
Risk Management strategies become a high priority when discussing the likelihood of specific life events that could have a significant financial impact on yourself, family or business. The list below outlines the basics of each insurance purpose.

Insurance is the assurance that all contingencies are looked after financially. Contingency planning is the provision for an unforeseen event or circumstance for you, your family or your business.

Ask yourself, what are the financial impacts should a financial life event happen? Is it a significant financial impact? Should it be and how can that be protected?

Designed to provide surviving family members or business partners tax free cash amounts in the event of death. The needs for life insurance are many. Such as income or mortgage elimination, business succession, etc. There are several kinds of life insurance available. Do your research. Some contracts are definitely better than others.
Should a family member or business partner suffer what is considered a critical illness, a lump sum of tax free cash is paid either to the insured or designated beneficiary. Some conditions may be heart attack, cancer or stroke. Other conditions are covered. Circumstances where critical illness insurance may be beneficial is mortgage reduction, debt and business buyout.
Insurance that is designed to replace income in the event of a prolonged inability to work. It is intended to cover a percentage of your income while disabled. Can cover both accident and sickness conditions. It can be purchased to cover a specific time period, such as 2yr, 5yr, to age 65 benefit periods. Every self-employed business owner should consider.
Disability Insurance for the retired. Should an individual become incapacitated and not have the ability to conduct basic activities of daily living, then a benefit is paid tax free to the insured. A monthly income would be paid for a period of time based on the plan details. The benefit is paid whether the insured is at home or in a nursing care facility.

When travelling it is very important to have coverage. Emergency medical situations happen more often than you might think. Trip cancellation Insurance is also a valued option when considering the coverage you should have. Many people have group insurance which provide for most coverages. Don’t take you group coverage for granted. Read the details.

Exclusions are just as important as the benefits. Read the details. Apply today!


As with Life insurance, it pays out a tax free benefit to the beneficiaries. It is a product that can be obtained by virtually anyone, but at a cost. Designed to provide insurance for those who would not qualify under conventional underwriting processes. So, the price you pay (higher premium) is the price you pay for no underwriting. Many people who buy this product would qualify for standard insurance rates. Ask Questions.
Self-Employed or recently left your employer. This coverage provides for many coverages contained in a traditional group benefit plan. Individual plans are available. Some plans you can purchase without medical evidence (costs???). Other more reasonably priced plans with medical evidence.